So this morning . I woke  up and did my walk .Not a big walk just enough to burn off a few calories and wake up my body. Walking up and down the street gets boring pretty quick. i need to start heading to park or some thing. A month ago or so . my daughter wanted to walk so i had no problem getting up and going. But trying to pry my wife up to go was fun. Her pace was much slower. i keep thinking .That she was worried that cigarette would go out if she moves any faster. Hehe.

But yes i got to find a few new places to go walking. been thinking that i need to make at least one trip to the river or one of the lakes at least once a month for my walks. i think that would be a nice break in seeing the same houses 4 times each morning. Maybe that’s it i’ll plan a small walk out at the river once a month. cool and maybe make it a event.

The part that sucks is depending on the kind of soda you drink. My little walk burned off 2 sodas (190 calories each) i really got to cut back on soda. Maybe Kool-aid would be better. Hehe

I’m really starting to feel bad . Because of this economy . I can’t plan a vacation. i can’t go out to social activities (i work nights) most of the activities are at night. On that note today is the Arizona Browncoats showing of Serenity  at The Royal in downtown Mesa. they just add a third showing at 9:15 pm tonight. so go buy your tickets.

I really need to find a day job to open up my nights.

So next week like all my shows come back on Castle , Hawaii Five-0, Ncis , Ncis-La ,Criminal minds ,Nikita . and a few others not far behind : Merlin ,Terra Nova. a bunch of new shows my wife and i are interested in watching. Unforgettable ,Charlies’s Angels ,The Secret Circle ,A Gifted Man .

