So i just noticed that i forgot to blog in months. that is not good but at least it has been long enough that i have a few things to say.

Me personally have being kept busy by working and social networking. i have been doing the 2nd Friday events in Mesa. My wife and daughter are going to California for my oldest step-daughter’s wedding. Bought my wife a small digital camera to play with while see is there. Because of work ,school and my paycheck. i’ll be staying home 😦

But i will be going back to school (a tech class) starting this Tuesday. Yes, i’m scared. lol

For my books: I’m still trying to write but  because of my schedule. it has slowed down, Alot.  At last estimate the draft will be done in about 300 days. that has alot of room to change so don’t worry that it won’t happen. this new series has a lot of room to grow. Massive room for new characters. the first book name is : Like Father, Like Son . i’m about 1/5 of the way done. but the cover is almost done and should be ready to show soon.

Do i think i’ll have it done by PHXCC14. No. but that is not a solid no . you never no i might have a good weekend and write 5 to 10k. If my job changes and my nights are freed up i might be able to push this time line faster.

also on book projects. I’m making some changes the Native Protectors series will slow down alot.  i’m going to be redoing the Spirit Lance book and merging it with the short story ROTH (Rise Of The Harkon) this new book will be edited and re-covered as Spirit Lance Fusion.

@EastValleyinfo My social Networking project is moving slowly i gain a few new followers after every event i do. for the people that don’t know . I started this project a little while back to support friends and groups in the east Valley (Mesa.Tempe, Gilbert, Chandler, AJ) i go to events take pictures and post them to help bring attention to the people and event. and i really enjoy doing it but it is a slow process for me.  i started just pushing KNTR, WesternX. But now it has grown to supporting the 2nd Friday event in Mesa. and the Doublewide Network (owned by Dave Pratt).

I also support a friend that i had been following for a little while named Ed Vanderlee (Owner of the Arizona Roughriders ) which work at Rawhide, when he started two internet radio projects. Rawhide Radio which Airs every Sunday at noon on the Doublewide Network. and LowRent Radio with his co-host Craig Hiess. also in the studio with him is Josh Pillsbury and Jared Bernal with BluRay Rewind. And social girl Amanda Saucedawhich is sponsored by Beyond Technology Solutions

so that’s it for now. check out the books. check out my friends.